The New Performance Dashboard
We are excited to invite you to switch on your new Performance Dashboard in Xpos.
An improved version of the previous screen in the V2 Hub, the dashboard displays the key metrics all shop owner managers need to run a successful retail business. We’re sure you’re going to love it!

Make the Best Buying Decisions
The Performance Dashboard delivers a real-time view of your shop’s results, and is a great indicator of current efficiency and profitability.
- Stay on top of year on year metrics and react quickly when you spot areas for improvement with the traffic light system – a great visual aid. Go for green!
- Use the data to benchmark specific areas you want to focus on and work towards your goals in 2025.
- Turnover, margin and stock turn are three metrics we advise our retailers to closely track throughout the year. Monitor your margin to determine whether you’re making sufficient profit and ensure your pricing is right.
- Last year, the average stock turn for UK pro shops was 2.6. Check the stock turn displayed in your dashboard to see how your shop compares.
How to Switch On your Pro Shop’s Performance Dashboard
In order to switch on your dashboard, the shop admin must:
- Select Settings from left hand menu.
- Select Advance from the list of sections on the left of the main screen.
- Select Reports from the list of the right and choose YES or NO in the dialogue.

Dashboard Privacy
Admins can select which staff members have access to the dashboard and access is managed in Staff Settings. The dashboard rights sit within Sales Reports. Remove this right from the staff member and the dashboard will no longer be visible. If you have any queries please email

Next Stop: Reports
There are numerous reports you can download to help you dig deeper into these dashboard numbers and understand more about your business performance.
See the navigation bar next to the dashboard for recommended reports.